Locator Ternopil Churches & places of worshipChurches & places of worship Ternopil

Churches & places of worship in Ternopil

  • Добра новина

    Street Князя Острожского, tel. 963441275380... show
    Street Князя Острожского, 3, tel. 380963441275380 more
    Churches & places of worship Добра новина located in Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского.
  • Церква Святого Миколая

    Street Troleibusna, tel. 0 (67) 798-40... show
    Street Troleibusna, 14а, tel. +380(67)798-40-82 more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Святого Миколая located in Ternopil, Street Troleibusna.
  • Bible Church "Prymyrennya"

    Ternopil, Avenue Stepana Bandery, tel. 0 (98) 350-03... show
    Ternopil, Avenue Stepana Bandery, 3, tel. +380(98)350-03-50 more
    Churches & places of worship Bible Church "Prymyrennya" located in Ternopil, Avenue Stepana Bandery.
  • Церква Зарваницької Матері Божої

    Street Князя Острожского, tel. 0 (35) 242-58... show
    Street Князя Острожского, 3, tel. +380(35)242-58-16 more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Зарваницької Матері Божої located in Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского.
  • Церква святого Іллі

    Street Brodivska, tel. 0 (96) 541-97... show
    Street Brodivska, 50б, tel. +380(96)541-97-02 more
    Churches & places of worship Церква святого Іллі located in Ternopil, Street Brodivska.
  • Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці храм

    Ternopil, Street Chaikovskoho, tel. 0 (35) 224-65... show
    Ternopil, Street Chaikovskoho, 1а, tel. +380(35)224-65-76 more
    Churches & places of worship Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці храм located in Ternopil, Street Chaikovskoho.
  • Храм Преображення Господнього

    Street 15 Апреля, tel.
    Street 15 Апреля, бульварmore
    Churches & places of worship Храм Преображення Господнього located in Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля.
  • Церковь христиан веры евангельской

    Ternopil, Street Карпенко, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Карпенко, 32more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь христиан веры евангельской located in Ternopil, Street Карпенко.
  • House of prayer

    Avenue Злуки, tel.
    Avenue Злуки, 4аmore
    Churches & places of worship House of prayer located in Ternopil, Avenue Злуки.
  • Intercession Church

    Street Ahronomichna, tel.
    Street Ahronomichna, 2more
    Churches & places of worship Intercession Church located in Ternopil, Street Ahronomichna.
  • РПЦ в Україні «Церква Різдва Христового»

    Street Ruska, tel.
    Street Ruska, 22more
    Churches & places of worship РПЦ в Україні «Церква Різдва Христового» located in Ternopil, Street Ruska.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Street Akademika Korolova, tel.
    Street Akademika Korolova, 3аmore
    Churches & places of worship located in Ternopil, Street Akademika Korolova.
  • Храм Святого Иоанна Богослова

    Avenue Злуки, tel. 0 (35) 226-57... show
    Avenue Злуки, 14, tel. +380(35)226-57-96 more
    Churches & places of worship Храм Святого Иоанна Богослова located in Ternopil, Avenue Злуки.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Street Князя Острожского, tel.
    Street Князя Острожского, 55more
    Churches & places of worship located in Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского.
  • Церковь Святых Владимира и Ольги

    Ternopil, Street Гетмана Филиппа Орлика, tel. 0 (35) 253-45... show
    Ternopil, Street Гетмана Филиппа Орлика, 1а, tel. +380(35)253-45-03 more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь Святых Владимира и Ольги located in Ternopil, Street Гетмана Филиппа Орлика. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 12:00.
  • Церковь Любовь и исцеление

    Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, tel. 0 (96) 276-32... show
    Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, 23, tel. +380(96)276-32-63 more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь Любовь и исцеление located in Ternopil, Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 15:00.
  • Баптистская церковь Божья Обитель

    Ternopil, Street Kyivska, tel. 0 (35) 243-28... show
    Ternopil, Street Kyivska, київська, tel. +380(35)243-28-42 more
    Churches & places of worship Баптистская церковь Божья Обитель located in Ternopil, Street Kyivska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:30 to 22:00.
  • Храм Ікони Божої Матері Скоропослушниці Упц

    Ternopil, Street Oleksandra Dovzhenka, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Oleksandra Dovzhenka, 20more
    Churches & places of worship Храм Ікони Божої Матері Скоропослушниці Упц located in Ternopil, Street Oleksandra Dovzhenka.
  • Васильевская церковь

    Street Novyi Svit, tel.
    Street Novyi Svit, 14more
    Churches & places of worship Васильевская церковь located in Ternopil, Street Novyi Svit.
  • Церква Святомучеників українського народу Угкц

    Street Shkilna, tel.
    Street Shkilna, 2more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Святомучеників українського народу Угкц located in Ternopil, Street Shkilna.
  • Церква Різдва Івана Хрестителя

    Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского, 3more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Різдва Івана Хрестителя located in Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского.
  • Храм Воздвижения Чесного Хреста

    Street Над Ставом, tel. 0 (35) 225-39... show
    Street Над Ставом, 16, tel. +380(35)225-39-16 more
    Churches & places of worship Храм Воздвижения Чесного Хреста located in Ternopil, Street Над Ставом. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 13:00 to 16:00.
  • Храм перенесення мощей святого Миколая Угкц

    Ternopil, Street Карпенко, tel. 0 (50) 538-09... show
    Ternopil, Street Карпенко, вулиця, tel. +380(50)538-09-29 more
    Churches & places of worship Храм перенесення мощей святого Миколая Угкц located in Ternopil, Street Карпенко. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 07:30 to 19:00.
  • Andreevskaya church

    Ternopil, Street Chernivetska, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Chernivetska, 46more
    Churches & places of worship Andreevskaya church located in Ternopil, Street Chernivetska.
  • Первая Церковь Христиан Веры Евангельской

    Ternopil, Street Kvitkova, tel. 0 (35) 225-27... show
    Ternopil, Street Kvitkova, 19, tel. +380(35)225-27-45 more
    Churches & places of worship Первая Церковь Христиан Веры Евангельской located in Ternopil, Street Kvitkova. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 12:00.
  • Дмитриевская церковь

    Street Микулинецкая-боковая, tel.
    Street Микулинецкая-боковая, підліснаmore
    Churches & places of worship Дмитриевская церковь located in Ternopil, Street Микулинецкая-боковая.
  • Церковь адвентистов

    Street Chumatska, tel.
    Street Chumatska, 29more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь адвентистов located in Ternopil, Street Chumatska.
  • Храм Святого Йосафата

    Street Лучаковского, tel. 0 (35) 243-56... show
    Street Лучаковского, 5а, tel. +380(35)243-56-79 more
    Churches & places of worship Храм Святого Йосафата located in Ternopil, Street Лучаковского. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 07:00 to 11:00.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Street Гетьмана Орлика, tel.
    Street Гетьмана Орликаmore
    Churches & places of worship located in Ternopil, Street Гетьмана Орлика.
  • Угкц Храм Святої Софії Премудрої Божої

    Ternopil, Street Maksyma Kryvonosa, tel. 0 (97) 242-13... show
    Ternopil, Street Maksyma Kryvonosa, 2д, tel. +380(97)242-13-78 more
    Churches & places of worship Угкц Храм Святої Софії Премудрої Божої located in Ternopil, Street Maksyma Kryvonosa. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 11:00.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Street Микулинецкая, tel.
    Street Микулинецкая, 29more
    Churches & places of worship located in Ternopil, Street Микулинецкая.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Ternopil, Street Lesya Kurbasa, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Lesya Kurbasa, вулицяmore
    Churches & places of worship located in Ternopil, Street Lesya Kurbasa.
  • Церковь Святого Апостола Петра

    Street Volodymyra Velykoho, tel. 0 (35) 228-16... show
    Street Volodymyra Velykoho, 6, tel. +380(35)228-16-72 more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь Святого Апостола Петра located in Ternopil, Street Volodymyra Velykoho.
  • Borisoglebskaya church

    Ternopil, Street Akademika Korolova, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Akademika Korolova, 3аmore
    Churches & places of worship Borisoglebskaya church located in Ternopil, Street Akademika Korolova.
  • Церковь Успенея Пресвятой Богородицы

    Street Князя Острожского, tel. 0 (35) 225-49... show
    Street Князя Острожского, 55, tel. +380(35)225-49-77 more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь Успенея Пресвятой Богородицы located in Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского.
  • Успенская церковь

    Ternopil, Street Berezhanska, tel. 0 (67) 286-35... show
    Ternopil, Street Berezhanska, вулиця, tel. +380(67)286-35-29 more
    Churches & places of worship Успенская церковь located in Ternopil, Street Berezhanska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 19:00.
  • Зал Царства Свідків Єгови

    Street Akademika Andriia Sakharova, tel.
    Street Akademika Andriia Sakharova, 6more
    Churches & places of worship Зал Царства Свідків Єгови located in Ternopil, Street Akademika Andriia Sakharova.
  • Intercession Church

    Ternopil, Street Chaikovskoho, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Chaikovskoho, 1аmore
    Churches & places of worship Intercession Church located in Ternopil, Street Chaikovskoho.
  • Церква Блаженних Новомучеників УГКЦ

    Ternopil, Street Shkilna, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Shkilna, 2more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Блаженних Новомучеників УГКЦ located in Ternopil, Street Shkilna.
  • Храм Иоана Богослова

    Street Lesya Kurbasa, tel.
    Street Lesya Kurbasa, вулицяmore
    Churches & places of worship Храм Иоана Богослова located in Ternopil, Street Lesya Kurbasa.
  • Церква Івана-Хрестителя

    Ternopil, Street Mykoly Hoholya, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Mykoly Hoholya, 2аmore
    Churches & places of worship Церква Івана-Хрестителя located in Ternopil, Street Mykoly Hoholya.
  • Храм святого Великомученика Пантелеймона Цілителя Угкц

    Ternopil, Street Berezhanska, tel. 0 (35) 242-19... show
    Ternopil, Street Berezhanska, 3а, tel. +380(35)242-19-41 more
    Churches & places of worship Храм святого Великомученика Пантелеймона Цілителя Угкц located in Ternopil, Street Berezhanska.
  • Михайловская церковь

    Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля, tel. 0 (35) 226-15... show
    Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля, 1а, tel. +380(35)226-15-94 more
    Churches & places of worship Михайловская церковь located in Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля.
  • Церква Василія Великого

    Street Novyi Svit, tel.
    Street Novyi Svit, 14more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Василія Великого located in Ternopil, Street Novyi Svit.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского, 3more
    Churches & places of worship located in Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского.
  • Храм Св. Софии

    Ternopil, Street Evhena Konovaltsya, tel. 0 (35) 224-50... show
    Ternopil, Street Evhena Konovaltsya, 1, tel. +380(35)224-50-57 more
    Churches & places of worship Храм Св. Софии located in Ternopil, Street Evhena Konovaltsya.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля, tel.
    Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля, бульварmore
    Churches & places of worship located in Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля.
  • Церковь Рождества Христова

    Street Ruska, tel. 0 (35) 252-21... show
    Street Ruska, 22, tel. +380(35)252-21-59 more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь Рождества Христова located in Ternopil, Street Ruska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 07:00 to 19:00.
  • Пантелеймоновская церковь

    Street Степана Будного, tel.
    Street Степана Будного, мікрорайонmore
    Churches & places of worship Пантелеймоновская церковь located in Ternopil, Street Степана Будного.
  • Новоапостольская церковь

    Street Збаражская, tel. 0 (35) 252-47... show
    Street Збаражская, 8а, tel. +380(35)252-47-32 more
    Churches & places of worship Новоапостольская церковь located in Ternopil, Street Збаражская.

A brief overview of churches & places of worship in Ternopil (Ternopil Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about churches & places of worship, located in Ternopil (Ternopil Oblast). Locator knows about 95 churches & places of worship near this place among them Добра новина, Церква Святого Миколая, Bible Church "Prymyrennya" and other , which are located on st. Князя Острожского, st. Troleibusna, ave. Stepana Bandery and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these churches & places of worship.

  • How many churches & places of worship in Ternopil?

    According to Locator data in Ternopil operates 95 churches & places of worship.

  • Which churches & places of worship are best in Ternopil?

    Locator recommends to visit the following churches & places of worship in Ternopil: Добра новина, Церква Святого Миколая, Bible Church "Prymyrennya".

  • Where are the nearest churches & places of worship in Ternopil to me?

    To find out which churches & places of worship is closest to you, go to the Churches & places of worship in Ternopil page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for churches & places of worship services in Ternopil?

    Prices for churches & places of worship services in Ternopil depend on the specific service and churches & places of worship. Locator allows all churches & places of worship to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific churches & places of worship page.

  • Which churches & places of worship services in Ternopil are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact churches & places of worship, which has a high rating according to Locator: Добра новина, Церква Святого Миколая, Bible Church "Prymyrennya".

  • How to contact these churches & places of worship?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these churches & places of worship pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Churches & places of worship in Ternopil