Locator Ternopil Shopping mallsShopping malls Ternopil

Shopping malls in Ternopil

  • Подоляни

    Street Tekstylna, tel. 0 (50) 437-17... show
    Street Tekstylna, 28ч, tel. +380(50)437-17-55 more
    Shopping malls Подоляни located in Ternopil, Street Tekstylna. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 21:00.
  • Атриум

    Ternopil, Street Patriarha Yosifa SlIpogo, tel. 0 (50) 705-07... show
    Ternopil, Street Patriarha Yosifa SlIpogo, 7, tel. +380(50)705-07-07 more
    Shopping malls Атриум located in Ternopil, Street Patriarha Yosifa SlIpogo. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 02:00.
  • Тернопольский Центральный универмаг

    Ternopil, Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka, tel. 0 (35) 252-50... show
    Ternopil, Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka, 12, tel. +380(35)252-50-51 more
    Shopping malls Тернопольский Центральный универмаг located in Ternopil, Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 20:00.
  • ТЦ „Ювілейний“

    Avenue Злуки, tel. 0 (35) 243-48... show
    Avenue Злуки, 3, tel. +380(35)243-48-88 more
    Shopping malls ТЦ „Ювілейний“ located in Ternopil, Avenue Злуки.
  • ТЦ „Мандарин“

    Ternopil, Street Kupchynskoho, tel. 258622106694... show
    Ternopil, Street Kupchynskoho, 3, tel. 098258622106694 more
    Shopping malls ТЦ „Мандарин“ located in Ternopil, Street Kupchynskoho.
  • Ринок „Нива і К“

    Street Оболоня, tel. 0 (35) 243-52... show
    Street Оболоня, 9, tel. +380(35)243-52-96 more
    Shopping malls Ринок „Нива і К“ located in Ternopil, Street Оболоня.
  • Галицький ринок

    Ternopil, Street Lesya Kurbasa, tel. 247781003524... show
    Ternopil, Street Lesya Kurbasa, 3, tel. 035247781003524 more
    Shopping malls Галицький ринок located in Ternopil, Street Lesya Kurbasa.
  • Рубікон

    Street Живова, tel. 430509283332... show
    Street Живова, 9, tel. 352430509283332 more
    Shopping malls Рубікон located in Ternopil, Street Живова.
  • Plazma

    Ternopil, Street Живова, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Живова, 3more
    Shopping malls Plazma located in Ternopil, Street Живова.
  • Сюрприз

    Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka, tel.
    Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka, 3more
    Shopping malls Сюрприз located in Ternopil, Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 14:00.
  • Ринок „Бессарабка“

    Street Живова, tel.
    Street Живова, 9more
    Shopping malls Ринок „Бессарабка“ located in Ternopil, Street Живова.
  • Shopping malls

    Street Tekstylna, tel.
    Street Tekstylna, 3more
    Shopping malls located in Ternopil, Street Tekstylna.
  • ТРЦ Подоляны

    Street Tekstylna, tel. 0 (35) 247-78... show
    Street Tekstylna, 3, tel. +380(35)247-78-21 more
    Shopping malls ТРЦ Подоляны located in Ternopil, Street Tekstylna. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 23:00.
  • ТЦ „Збруч“

    Street Живова, tel.
    Street Живова, 3more
    Shopping malls ТЦ „Збруч“ located in Ternopil, Street Живова.
  • ТЦ Нью вінд

    Ternopil, Street Анатолия Живова, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Анатолия Живова, 9more
    Shopping malls ТЦ Нью вінд located in Ternopil, Street Анатолия Живова.
  • Королівський торговий дім

    Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, tel.
    Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, 11more
    Shopping malls Королівський торговий дім located in Ternopil, Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho.
  • Еврорынок

    Street Ruska, tel.
    Street Ruska, 44more
    Shopping malls Еврорынок located in Ternopil, Street Ruska.
  • Ринок „Юмакс“

    Ternopil, Street Оболоня, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Оболоня, 3more
    Shopping malls Ринок „Юмакс“ located in Ternopil, Street Оболоня.
  • ТЦ „Рай Центр“

    Street 15 Квітня, tel.
    Street 15 Квітня, 3more
    Shopping malls ТЦ „Рай Центр“ located in Ternopil, Street 15 Квітня.
  • Shopping malls

    Street Tekstylna, tel.
    Street Tekstylna, 3more
    Shopping malls located in Ternopil, Street Tekstylna.
  • ТЦ Grand

    Square Героев Евромайдана, tel. 0 (35) 252-43... show
    Square Героев Евромайдана, 4, tel. +380(35)252-43-40 more
    Shopping malls ТЦ Grand located in Ternopil, Square Героев Евромайдана. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:30 to 19:00.
  • Стандарт

    Ternopil, Street Оболоня, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Оболоня, 9more
    Shopping malls Стандарт located in Ternopil, Street Оболоня.
  • ПродЭкспорт ТЦ Орнава

    Street Анатолия Живова, tel. 0 (35) 247-50... show
    Street Анатолия Живова, 15а, tel. +380(35)247-50-16 more
    Shopping malls ПродЭкспорт ТЦ Орнава located in Ternopil, Street Анатолия Живова.
  • Soteria

    Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, tel.
    Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, 9more
    Shopping malls Soteria located in Ternopil, Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho.
  • Пасаж

    Street Оболоня, tel.
    Street Оболоня, 9more
    Shopping malls Пасаж located in Ternopil, Street Оболоня.
  • Боянівка

    Ternopil, Street Микулинецька, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Микулинецькаmore
    Shopping malls Боянівка located in Ternopil, Street Микулинецька.
  • Кооператор

    Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka, tel.
    Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka, 3more
    Shopping malls Кооператор located in Ternopil, Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • ТЦ „Аріол“

    Street Живова, tel.
    Street Живова, 3more
    Shopping malls ТЦ „Аріол“ located in Ternopil, Street Живова.
  • Парус

    Ternopil, Street Протасевича, tel.
    Ternopil, Street Протасевича, 3more
    Shopping malls Парус located in Ternopil, Street Протасевича.
  • Shopping malls

    Street Hetmana Mazepy, tel.
    Street Hetmana Mazepymore
    Shopping malls located in Ternopil, Street Hetmana Mazepy.
  • Alaska

    Street Volodymyra Velykoho, tel.
    Street Volodymyra Velykoho, 3more
    Shopping malls Alaska located in Ternopil, Street Volodymyra Velykoho.

A brief overview of shopping malls in Ternopil (Ternopil Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about shopping malls, located in Ternopil (Ternopil Oblast). Locator knows about 31 shopping malls near this place among them Подоляни, Атриум, Тернопольский Центральный универмаг and other , which are located on st. Tekstylna, st. Patriarha Yosifa SlIpogo, blvd. Tarasa Shevchenka and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these shopping malls.

  • How many shopping malls in Ternopil?

    According to Locator data in Ternopil operates 31 shopping malls.

  • Which shopping malls are best in Ternopil?

    Locator recommends to visit the following shopping malls in Ternopil: Подоляни, Атриум, Тернопольский Центральный универмаг.

  • Where are the nearest shopping malls in Ternopil to me?

    To find out which shopping malls is closest to you, go to the Shopping malls in Ternopil page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for shopping malls services in Ternopil?

    Prices for shopping malls services in Ternopil depend on the specific service and shopping malls. Locator allows all shopping malls to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific shopping malls page.

  • Which shopping malls services in Ternopil are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact shopping malls, which has a high rating according to Locator: Подоляни, Атриум, Тернопольский Центральный универмаг.

  • How to contact these shopping malls?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these shopping malls pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Shopping malls in Ternopil